
Everything in one place

An end to scattered, incomplete and outdated information

Capture, enrich, search and update your property information with ease, instead of relying on hastily scribbled notes on paper, multiple spreadsheets, photocopied documents in binders, searching through folders in archival lockers, creating reminders, TO-DO lists and mobile calendar entries, or photos and videos scattered on computers, phones, USB sticks, CDs, DVDs or printed photo albums.

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All information, interconnected

Achieve unparalleled clarity

Your time and energy are too valuable to be wasted on memorizing details, rent payment deadlines, tenancy expirations and task deadlines for your properties. Rely on’s Monitor subscription to remind you of everything that requires your attention and to provide you with metrics and notifications regarding your property portfolio.

Filters, search, and categorization

Find what you’re looking for, without browsing through papers

With the automatic categorization of properties, operations and tenancies, you can find quickly which properties are leased or available, sort your tasks by type, and your tenancies by condition. Also, with search functions and filtering of every type of data listing, you can digitally find what you’re looking for, even if you manage hundreds of properties.

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Performance and outstanding issues

Focus on the most important aspects at a glance

Get a quick impression of the state of your property portfolio thanks to automatically-updated indicators such as the rent collection rate, the percentage of rent paid on time and the financial performance per rented square meter. Plus, see at a glance your properties’ most crucial pending issues: overdue rents, leases due to expire soon, and active tasks.

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Inventory management

Furniture and equipment, without question marks

Manage the contents of a property, such as appliances, furniture, air conditioners, lighting, cameras, recorders and other equipment, as well as notes, user manuals, the date of last maintenance, and its periodicity. Receive automatic updates and reminders for pending maintenance and warranty expirations, and know what you’ve delivered and received between leases.

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Making the most of your property

Manage tenancies and their related data

In you can register tenancies and concessions (even for professional use) with the participation of other users of the application as tenants. Each active tenancy automatically generates pending rent records with a confirmation option by you and your tenants, so you know at any time what amount is outstanding and whether it was paid on time.

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Manage tasks

Safeguard the value of your properties, now matter how many and where they are

Create tasks such as maintenance and repairs related to a property, document their status with images, videos and other attachments, and manage their progress until completion. Finally, match them with records of financial transactions to elicit the true performance of your property over a longer time period.

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Financial transactions

Stay on top of rent payments and expenses automatically creates entries for outstanding rent payments every month, on the day you set for each tenancy, so that you don’t need to write down reminders on sticky notes or in your phone. You can remind tenants of their outstanding payments, mark each payment record as paid, and even enter expenses such as those related to repair or maintenance tasks.

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Property track record and bill of health

The life, condition, and performance of a property, documented

With the continuous documentation during property management with, over time your property acquires a rich history of tenancies and rent payments, as well as maintenance, repairs and other interventions that it has undergone. Thus, with each year on the track record of the property is enriched, creating an increasingly reliable source of information of its actual condition and achievable financial performance in the rental market.

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Gain an overview, with ease

Maximize your income and decimate your management effort has been carefully designed to be user-friendly, feature-rich, and to simplify property management, allowing you to stay on top of your income and expenses while dramatically reducing the time and energy required to coordinate all the processes associated with generating monthly rental income, while helping you safeguard the long-term value of your properties.

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Digital secretarial support

All your contacts in one place

Add other users to your contact list on and you will have their contact details available and up to date without having to deal with creating and updating contacts on your mobile phone. With one click through the web app from your phone you can call and email property owners and managers, tenants, and technicians.


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Sign up, for free ➜

With your new user account on you can create and manage five properties for free, one of which with the full functionality of the Monitor tier. Test-drive now and experience first-hand how it makes property management a breeze!